Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It is hard to believe that it has been a whole month since I have blogged.  So much has changed in my life.  The life I enjoyed- the
settled, wonderfully mundane existence, was put into a seemingly unending spin cycle. 

There is no doubt in my mind that the only thing unchanging in life is that it is forever changing.  Sometimes it is a shedding of an old skin to emerge anew, sometimes it is burning like the Phoenix, trying to figure out how to rise from the ashes. The last few weeks have been just slightly less painful than labor but without the benefit of an epidural.  But like labor, I have a new beautiful bawling baby to hold and nurture.  This is the rebirth of my family. 

One small incident. One cry for help, and a whole family structure was brought to its knees. Masks were torn and thrown to the floor, turned on the owners to shine light on the fallacies that were being perpetuated and destroying the core. In all of this pain and fear, I was able to regain something I never even realized I had lost.

So what has been learned?  That I am a champion, that I have always been essential and my children love me. I will never, ever doubt these things ever again. Like the Phoenix, our family is rising again, not looking quite like it did before, but that is ok. This one is stronger and more aware of itself,  it bleeds when hurt and  all of its parts are connected and vital to its success.  We are not insular planets in our solar system, we are an intricate system of satellites and moons, stars and suns.  We orbit one another, pull each other on the path of life, shine on each other, warm each other and protect each other during storms, and when one veers off course, it throws off the entire system.

This is how I have always thought of family.  We raise our children, they lift us up. And along the way we become a team. No one functions alone, we all work so that we all succeed. Each has different strengths, different goals, different dreams; and for all our differences we somehow make a whole. And this is what we are, a family