Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ramblings of a Hopeful Parent- part 2

I am trying to balance parenthood, womanhood and studenthood, if that makes any sense. My children still need a fully present parent, one that is engaged and involved in their day-to-day activities. As a single woman rapidly approaching the big four- ohhhh, ugh, I keep thinking I would like to have a significant other, in theory! Moreover, a larger concern than this is giving enough time and attention to my education to make the most of this opportunity. My priority is definitely my children, overall, but I am having a few guilty feelings. Mostly on the weekends when I pull away for some, much needed quiet time for schoolwork. I suppose I wonder if this will have any negative long-term effects on my kids, requiring them to pick up more responsibilities of watching the little one. I have heard on more than one occasion “It wasn’t my choice to have another kid!” This both infuriates me and then brings feelings of guilt as a parent. True, my older three did not have a say in the bringing another baby into the family, but on the other hand, is it not part of being a family. To pitch in wherever needed to make sure everyone is successful? Am I being selfish in trying to get this education under my belt now, instead of waiting? I can make a good argument for plugging ahead, improving the quality of all of our lives, financially; showing my older children what can be accomplished with a little effort. Or is this all just a grand justification for parental neglect? I don’t know. In the end, I am not sure of the answer. Perhaps without the added burden of school I would still have feelings of inadequacy as a parent. As for a social/ dating life, maybe once I’m done with school… or maybe not!


  1. I think all of us feel guilty as parents for one reason or another. All you can do is your best. Your kids will grow up to appreciate the responsibilities that you put on them,even though they don't seem to siked about it now. If I were you, I'd throw them a guilt trip or Give them the old puppy dog eyes and cry for a little help for the love of Pete!

  2. Its funny Nae, we may have more in common then I thought. You commented on my blog about the true happiness and perfectly defined what I feel but have never been able to explain it well...I must have it written all over my face because you are not the first person that made the statement about "happiness&smiling".

    As far as your blog go's...It is well written but thaats nothing new for you Miss Nae...You excel at things effortlessly :) I wish i could say the same. I agree with Tina, I think most parents have guilt when it comes to their kids. I definately do. I could not go snow tubing tonight with my daughter because I have to get homework started...not done..started...
    It has been a busy week and I feel behind. I am suppose to go to A.C. tomorrow for a bus trip with friends I haven't seen in months but I am thinking about all the things I have to do and also me going there and not being able to go tubing tonight with my daughter was hard. She wanted me to go but I feel like I have no time. I am not even working at the moment and still wonder where I will fit it all in...ugh! I hear you loud and clear Nae, but know this you do a damn good job of not letting it show...I'd give anything to be able to say that.:)

  3. The delicate balance of school,life and kids . I only have one so i am sure its alot different for you but just take your time think your decisions out and the rest will follow through. Happiness is only mental state that you allow yourself to feel. If you can say i am happy right now with what i am doing then it must be true. see you in class
